The Seniority Authority Show on NH PBS

The podcast is going broadcast on NH Public Television

Tune in to NH PBS on Thursday, January 11th at 9 PM for the premiere of the Seniority Authority Show. The show features podcast host Cathleen Toomey and guest Dr. Robert Waldinger, Director of Harvard’s Center for Adult Development, who has conducted Harvard’s 70+ year-long study about leading a long and healthy life.

For the podcast, host Cathleen Toomey regularly consults with researchers and experts and studies literature on aging. The importance of staying physically active is one topic Toomey intends to reinforce. “Older adults need to get as much sleep as they can, exercise as much as they can and stay social,” she says. “Look to your lifestyle first – before medications – and be willing to accept change.”

She continues, “By the end of each episode, you should walk away with an understanding of what the issue is, how it could affect you, and what you can do about it,” says Toomey. “Hopefully, viewers will bring these learnings into their daily practice and form new habits.”

Watch live, or set up a recording on your favorite streaming service, for this fascinating conversation with Dr. Waldinger and learn the SECRET to a long and healthy life.

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